Hi Beautiful! Whether this is your first Brazilian wax or a wax veteran, I will provide the REAL 411 when it comes to waxing the "land below". Gentlemen, you are also welcome to take note as this information applies to you too.
Hair grows back thinner and softer
Exfoliates skin leaving it smooth while also helping to reduce ingrown hairs
Removes the hair from the root
Results last up to 4 weeks
Decreases hair growth
Hair grows back thicker and coarser
Irritates the skin leaving it damaged with razor bumps, ingrowns, and/or razor burn
Results last for 2-3 days
Increases hair growth
Smooth, Steady, Smooth:
Consistency, is key! Once you get over the hump of the first wax, you must be consistent. Each reservation becomes easier and easier, but only with consistency.
Before making your wax reservation, be sure your hair is at least the length of a grain of rice(if you're fancy 1/4 inch long), to ensure proper hair removal. Please do not attempt to trim before reservation, as you may trim your hair too low. Also, refrain from shaving for at least 2 weeks prior to your wax reservation. Exfoliate(with a sea salt base scrub) 24 hours prior to you reservation, as this will remove any dead skin cells that would hinder proper wax removal.